Boris Gives Vaz Both Barrels

February 13, 2009

keithvazThis week Keith Vaz launched an unprovoked tirade against the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, releasing details of a private conversation that took place between the two men. This is not very honourable, but then I would not expect anything less from a slimy reptile like Vaz. He said that after phoning Boris to ask him about his supposedly conflicting evidence he gave to the Home affairs select committee the Mayor just went crazy. Well you would if Vaz had phoned you, using his most polished, patronising voice and started to accuse you of this and that wouldn’t you? Boris then supposedly went on an F word rant worthy of Gordon Ramsey. Well good on Boris I say, someone needs to tell Vaz were to get off.

I have always found Vaz to be one of the most odious and vial members of parliament. Time and time again he has deserved to get his comeuppance, to be exposed for the absolute invertible crawler he is. Finally that time came to pass, just like the buses you wait forever and then two come along at once. Firstly by revealing his private conversation with Boris to the press he has abused his position as Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee. Vaz said that he had been insulted by Boris’s language, and that this was reasonable justification for revealing the conversation. Come on Vaz, I am surprised you are so insulted by being told to F off, I thought you would have gotten used to it by now.

Then later on Newsnight Vaz was being interviewed by Kirsty Wark about the case of Geert Wilders and his rejection from Britain. Vaz was put on the spot by Wark when she asked him if he had seen the film Fitna, which I believe he was expressing faux outrage about on the program. He spluttered out the response that he had not seen the film. So he was taking part in a discussion for about 15 minute, about a film he had not actually watched! The look on Wark’s face when he admitted he hadn’t seen it, was a sight to behold.

This would not be the first time that Vaz has been caught out, he’s been caught out so many times it makes you wonder how he has survived all these years. Somehow he has retained the chairmanship of one of the most powerful select committees in parliament, in spite of all failures. How could this happen? Well it just seems that Labour don’t care anymore. It seems a who gives a dam what we do mentality has firmly taken hold of the parliamentary Labour party.